Reformation of the Inner Self

“Waqfe Arzi is a way of reforming the inner self The second biggest benefit of the waqfe Arzi scheme is that those who go on it get to self examine themselves in certain aspects. They become aware of some of their own weaknesses before they leave, and get inclined towards prayers….

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Introduction of Waqfe Arzi Scheme

On March 12th, 1966 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III introduced the Waqfe Arzi scheme. The purpose of this project is to promote the learning and teaching of the Holy Quran as well as imparting religious knowledge to local members. Under Waqfe Arzi , at their own expense, thousands of Ahmadis are teaching…

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Ahmadi Doctors and Need for True Sacrifice

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba) delivered an address at the concluding session of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association UK Annual Conference 2019, held at the Masroor Hall at Islamabad, Tilford, UK on Saturday 30th November 2019. The official transcript of the address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V…

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Submit your Waqf-e-Arzi request to Huzoor Aqdas here:

In the Name of Allah the Gracious the Merciful

My Dear Huzoor,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu

I most humbly submit my name for the blessed scheme of Waqfe Arzi. I request Huzur-e-Aqdas to pray that Allah accept my Waqf-e-Arzi and enable me to discharge my responsibilities in the best possible manner (Ameen).

Your humble servant

Instructions for those going on Waqfe Arzi

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III (Rahimhullah)

  • Spend this time of Waqf especially in prayers and remembrance of ALLAH.
  • The Tarbiyyat of the Jama’at to which you been sent is your primary responsibility. Salat in congregation should be established. It is essential that everyone should at least be able to recite the Holy Qur’an. Also pay attention to translation and commentary of the Holy Quran. An enthusiasm should be generated for the study of the Holy Quran among the children, youth and the elderly and indeed among the women as well
  • Exhort the members to participate in Jama’at activities and in particular the paying of their chanda (financial dues) on time .
  • If there is some bad feeling or dispute between two Ahmadies, try to clear it up and resolve it with love and affection. However under no circumstances entangle yourself in any local Jama’at dispute (if any)
  • Concentrate on Tarbiyyat and Islaho Irshad (reformation and exhortation)
  • Try to invigorate the Jama’at in general and to increase interest in Jamaat activities.
  • Prepare your own food. However in exceptional circumstances you may pay someone to do this for you even if you have your relatives living in the area.
  • Try to inform as many people as you can of this blessed scheme of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III (may Allah envelope him in His mercy) and invite them to participate in it. Get their forms filled in and send with your report.
  • Prepare a comprehensive daily/weekly report of your activities and send it with your Report Form